President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed a presentation aimed at improving the quality of teaching music, physical education and military-patriotic education in schools.
This was discussed at a meeting with teachers at the National Institute of Pedagogical Excellence on September 30. The Head of State emphasized the importance of these three areas for shaping the personality of students and stressed the urgency of improving their teaching.
For example, 21 percent of music teachers in schools have only secondary specialized education, and some of them do not know how to play musical instruments. The reason for this is the lack of a system for improving the practical qualifications of music teachers, as well as insufficient interaction with music schools and art schools. As a result, graduates of cultural institutes cannot work as teachers.
Therefore, a number of measures are proposed to improve the quality of teaching in schools.
In particular, the level of knowledge and professional skills of music teachers will be assessed, a system of professional development will be established, training manuals in this area will be developed, and a new procedure for assigning categories for teachers will be introduced.
Based on the positive experience of the “Turan School Theater”, “Iktidor” art collectives will be established in schools. Additionally, graduates of higher education institutions who studied in the direction of “Music and Art” will be allowed to work in schools.
The need to attach regional schools of music and art to secondary schools as anchor institutions and organize regular competitions to identify talented students was also emphasized.
Widespread involvement of young people in mass sports is also an important task.
Schools offer classes in 22 Olympic, 19 non-Olympic and 4 national sports. However, there are no methodological manuals for physical education teachers, and the selection of students is not systematic.
To this end, physical education manuals will be developed and curricula will be improved. A national system for assessing the knowledge and professional skills of physical education teachers is being introduced. From the new school year, school sports clubs will be established everywhere. In addition, a new procedure for assigning categories to teachers and a sports rating system for schools will be developed.
Current realities also require improvement of the system of patriotic education, for which military servicemen and teachers of initial pre-conscription training should serve as an example. Currently, about 10 thousand such teachers work in schools, but 27 percent of them are not specialists, and in 2,750 schools there are no conditions for teaching this subject.
Therefore, the staff of initial pre-conscription training teachers will now be transferred to the Ministry of Defense. From now on, members of the Armed Forces Reserve will be recruited for this position. New training programs and textbooks will also be developed. In each district and city, a “School of Courage” will be organized on the basis of one school.
The responsible persons provided information on plans to organize work in this direction. The Head of State instructed to radically change the system of teacher training in these fields in higher educational institutions, raise qualification requirements and improve the quality of education.