On November 22, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on measures of socio-economic development of Surkhandarya region, further improvement of investment climate and business environment.
As a result of systematic work aimed at regional development, the region also opens wide opportunities. Next year, it is planned to attract $2 billion of investment to Surkhandarya, provide employment for 425 thousand people and increase exports to $320 million.
For example, the international trade zone “Ayritom” sells an average of $5 million worth of products every month. By expanding its territory to 150 hectares, it is possible to realize projects worth another $250 million.
Chinese investors propose to invest $2.7 billion dollars in copper and silver mines on the territory of Babatag and create 2 thousand jobs. As a result, it will be possible to export finished products worth $600 million a year.
The Wandob and Chorbog Sherabad areas are rich in mineral deposits such as tungsten, coal, table salt and silica sand. It is planned to attract $320 million investment and create 1,500 jobs in these deposits. It is planned to open a branch of Termez free economic zone on the territory of 50 hectares in Bandikhan district.
There are also many untapped opportunities in agriculture. For example, the nature of Baysun and Uzun districts is favorable for growing ferula. Providing the population with 18 thousand hectares of pasture and forest lands for this purpose will provide employment for 4 thousand people. On similar pastures in Uzun, Shurchin and Kumkurgan districts it is possible to organize sheep breeding and cattle breeding complexes.
Water collected in 17 collectors of Muzrabad allows growing rice on almost 4 thousand hectares. Owing to this, 8.5 thousand tons of rice will be produced for a year, 400 people will be employed on a permanent basis, another 4.5 thousand – for seasonal work.
Establishment of greenhouses on 300 hectares in Kyziryk district and vineyards on 1 thousand hectares in Altynsay district will yield good economic effect from cultivation of demanded products.
A program will be developed to improve tourism conditions in Sangardak, Amankhan, Baysun and attract at least 1 million tourists.
At the meeting, the khokim of Surkhandarya province presented plans to utilize such opportunities.
The Head of State instructed on implementing entrepreneurial initiatives, producing finished products at deposits, developing trade and services. It was emphasized that every inch of land allocated for farming should serve to ensure employment and food security.